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Ioannis Athanasiadis

Professor of Artificial Intelligence
Wageningen University & Research

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A roadmap to domain specific programming languages for environmental modeling: key requirements and concepts

I. N. Athanasiadis, F. Villa


The limited reuse of current environmental software can be blamed in part on the tools used to develop it; the use of generic-purpose programming languages makes it particularly hard. As environmental scientists strive to prioritize the clear statement and communication of the semantics of natural systems in favor of understanding software implementations of their models, Domain-Specific Languages may come to help, offering the option of truly declarative environment for environmental modeling. This paper discusses key requirements and concepts for developing Domain-Specific Languages that can inform and streamline environmental modelling, and previews some use scenarios using examples from a DSL in development.

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I. N. Athanasiadis, F. Villa, A roadmap to domain specific programming languages for environmental modeling: key requirements and concepts, Proc. 2013 ACM workshop on Domain-specific modeling, pg. 27-32, 2013, ACM, doi:10.1145/2541928.2541934.

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