Ioannis Athanasiadis bio photo

Ioannis Athanasiadis

Professor of Artificial Intelligence
Wageningen University & Research

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I am a Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at Wageningen University and Research, in the Netherlands.

On my website you may find about my research team, grants, teaching and publications.

Since late 2022, I co-founded and coordinate the AgMIP Machine Learning team AgML. More on our activities and how to join at


  • Resource news article on How AI can be used in education summarizes the findings of the ICAB 2024 conference, and gives a hint of my keynote speech!

  • My team and I move to the newly established Artificial Intelligence chairgroup of Wageningen University and Research. We will join forces with the teams of Ricardo da Silva Torres and Anna Fensel at the Plant Sciences Group!

  • Really excited to join the upcoming FA Next panel on Exploring New Horizons in Food through Artificial Intelligence! FA Next connects food and agriculture startups to investors, serving as a springboard to greater innovation and a better deal for all. Looking forward to some lively interactions!

  • Happy to be part of the FSI - from data to intelligence project, which was selected for funding by the Wageningen Global Sustainability Programme! We will develop a collaborative knowledge system for food and nutritional security in Africa, and I am really excited that we have a new PhD position opening in the next academic year with my team!

  • The 1st AgML workshop in Wageningen was a great success. A short summary appeared at the WUR webpage!


I am involved in (the organization of) the following events:

Recent journal articles

Full list of publications.

Academic Service

Academic Journal Editorial Boards

Project Scientific Advisory Boards

My website

This is my web office! I have developed this habit to totally restructure my website every couple of years, as an excuse to sharpen my web development skills. Nowadays, I am porting my website from Wordpress to Jekyll, while changing hosts, so please be patient!