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Ioannis Athanasiadis

Professor and Chair of Artificial Intelligence
Wageningen University & Research

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EU-FP7-KBBE Grant, 2013-2016
PI: G. Bellocchi and I.N. Athanasiadis.

MODEXTREME had the overarching goal to help the European and world agriculture face extreme climatic events by improving the capability of biophysical models simulating vegetation responses to integrate climatic variability and extremes.

Our team at Democritus University of Thrace contributed towards: a. the design and development of generic, reusable software libraries that implement improved simulation models; b. service and data interoperability of multi-model platform for plant growth and development simulations.

At the proposal selection phase, MODEXTREME received an excellent evaluation in all criteria summing up an evaluation score 15 out of 15!

The MODEXTREME project has received the distinction “Étoiles de l’Europe” (Stars of Europe) at the end of the Horizon 2020 Forum, in Paris.