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Ioannis Athanasiadis

Professor and Chair of Artificial Intelligence
Wageningen University & Research

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EU-FP6-INCO-MPC Programme Grant, 2004-2007
PI: C.Giupponi and P.A.Mitkas.

The NOSTRUM-DSS project contributed to the improved governance and planning in the field of sustainable water management, by establishing a network between the science, policy, and civil society spheres, fostering active involvement of the relevant stakeholders through the development and dissemination of Best Practices Guidelines for the design and implementation of DSS tools for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the Mediterranean Area. The key objectives of this coordination action were:

  • to establish durable links between scientific institutions, governments, NGOs, SMEs and other stakeholders and improve public awareness on watermanagement;
  • to improve scientific knowledge and applied methodologies in IWRM;
  • to promote the development of suitable DSS tools built upon real needs of policy making in IWRM.

While with CERTH, I was involved in this project as the sole proposal author from CERTH and led the efforts for developing Best Practices Guidelines related to agent-based modeling for water demand and supply.