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Ioannis Athanasiadis

Professor and Chair of Artificial Intelligence
Wageningen University & Research

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Towards a virtual enterprise architecture for the environmental sector

I. N. Athanasiadis


This chapter introduces a virtual enterprise architecture for environmental information management, integration and dissemination. On a daily basis, our knowledge related to ecological phenomena, the degradation of the natural environment and the sustainability of human activity impact, is growing as a consequence raises the need for effective environmental knowledge exchange and reuse. In this work, a solution among collaborating peers forming a virtual enterprise is investigated. Following an analysis of the main stakeholders, a service-oriented architecture is proposed. Technical implementation options, using Web services or software agents, are considered and issues related to environmental information management, ownership and standardization are discussed.

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I. N. Athanasiadis, Towards a virtual enterprise architecture for the environmental sector, Virtual Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, vol. 2, pg. 368-378, 2008, Information Science Reference.

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